Unit 3 Project

Research Project on the Kryptonian Race:

The in depth understanding on the adverse effect’s kryptonite appears have on the kryptonian physiology

Aaron Diaz, Bruce Wayne, Ray Palmer

Wayne Technologies


            The Kryptonian Physique is astonishing, and this study is made to intuitively examine the reaction that the Kryptonian cells would have with their weakness known as kryptonite. Is there a possibility of immunities being formed as a result to prolonged kryptonite exposure? Will the foundational differences between our participants have any kind of effect on the results of the study? Questions like these is the entire reasoning behind the formation of the study. Our participants are three of the most powerful heroes on earth, Superman, Supergirl, and Superboy. The methods of obtaining the results is a constant expose of the participants cells to kryptonite along with different types of solar radiation/ no radiation. The results depict that full blooded kryptonians can develop an immunity to kryptonite. Overall, the study provided a plethora of information on the alien heroes that is groundbreaking in trying to understand the kryptonian physiology.   

Keywords: Kryptonian, Kryptonite, Solar Radiation


Born on a planet lightyears away, the Kryptonian race is known for highly advanced society. Whether it be in science or technology they are far beyond what Earth has even dreamed of. While almost homosapien in terms of physiology they have one key component that separates them from us, the ability to store and absorb solar radiation. On Krypton, their planet, they orbited a red sun. This dictated that on their planet their seemingly homosapien physiology equaled to our physical capabilities as well. But, on Earth where we orbit a yellow sun, this gives Kryptonian powers that not only seem god-like to humans but the rest of the universe as well. This was discovered in one of the greatest superheroes on earth, Superman. Due to Superman’s presence, beings all throughout earth and the universe hold a healthy level of respect and reverence of Kryptonians powers when exposed to a yellow sun. This brings us to the point of the experiments and that is to understand the effects that kryptonite can have on the Kryptonian physiology. The Kryptonian physiology is one of the most extraordinary subjects a scientist can research and due to the invulnerability of their skin, obtaining the means to understanding the physiology is an arduous task. Kryptonite is a common mineral on the planet Krypton, while it has no effect on Kryptonians on their home planet under a red sun, it is extremely toxic to Kryptonians under a yellow one. This experiment will delve into the depth of how and why the mineral negatively effects Kryptonians. We have three Kryptonian subjects that have offered their genetic code, Superman, Supergirl and, Superboy. Through extensive testing we believe that countless discoveries will be made.


Taking the blood of each Kryptonian we will study the effects that kryptonite has under three conditions.

  1. The effect that Kryptonite has on Kryptonian Blood over a period of time while exposed to the red sun’s radiation.
  2. The effect that Kryptonite has on Kryptonian blood over a period of time while exposed to the yellow sun’s radiation.
  3. The effect that Kryptonite has on the Kryptonian Blood over a period of time without being exposed to any form of solar radiation.

We will conduct this experiment over the course of a week observing the adverse effects that it could possibly have on the subject’s blood. The level of kryptonite exposure will be limited to a small amount as the point of the experimentation is to see if a resistance can be developed at all.

Types of Kryptonian

Within this experiment there are three Kryptonians that are being studied and that is Superman, Supergirl and Superboy. There are key differences between the three subjects that are imperative to the study and the effects that the experiment will have on the subject’s genetic code. Superman is a natural born Kryptonian, this means that he was conceived the same method in which homosapien are conceived. Superman was the first Kryptonian to be born of natural method since the dawn of the kryptonian race. Supergirl is a pod born kryptonian, this is the common way in which kryptonian were born to control the population of the race. Superboy is half kryptonian and half human bred in a Laboratory utilizing the genetic code of Superman and Lex Luthor. 


Using the condition of the experiment the effects were quite astonishing.

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As you can see, the resistance levels accelerated faster under the yellow sun than of no sun. The kryptonite appeared top have no effect on the subject’s genetic code while exposed to red sun radiation. Superman also shows to develop a resistance to kryptonite poisoning the fastest while Supergirl trailed behind superman at a moderate rate. Superboy on the other hand could not seem to really develop a resistance to kryptonite no matter the conditions presented.


The results of the experiments on the blood of the kryptonian exposed a plethora of information that we will now make sense of. The resistance scale ranged from 0-50 as 0 meaning a lack of resistance while 50 means that the genetic code is completely immune to the effects of kryptonite of that level. After viewing the experiment for over a week, the reason why kryptonite affects the kryptonian DNA so negatively is due to the nature of the kryptonite itself. Kryptonite emits a varying level of radiation, depending on how much kryptonite is used, that poisons solar storge cells that store the energy emitted by the yellow sun. The reason why kryptonite has no effect on the blood under a red sun is due to the fact that while under the yellow sun the cells that store solar energy work on overdrive to absorb as much solar radiation as possible because the atmosphere is saturated with it. Under a red sun the cells are working at a much slower and lower rate and because of that the kryptonite cannot attack the solar storage cells because the cells that work on overdrive under a yellow sun work to protect the solar storage cells under a red sun.

            Superman is a natural born kryptonian, because of that his solar storage cells absorb solar radiation at a much faster rate than Supergirl due to being created in a pod. This is conclusive with the data collected. Superboy on the other hand cannot seem to develop immunities no matter the condition. Under yellow sun radiation it moves at a slow rate until it stops, and his body can no longer develop a resistance. This means that while Superman and Supergirl could theoretically become completely immune to the negative effects of kryptonite, Superboy never will.


            To conclude, beings like Superman have always been seen as godlike and completely unstoppable. This coincides with the experiment as the results draw a very clear conclusion, full blooded kryptonians could theoretically be impervious to everything. The science behind why these kryptonians have these other worldly powers is fascinating as it allows for us to take them off of the pedestal of god and move them down to alien. Kryptonite will still most likely be a weakness to the like of Superman and Supergirl for the rest of their lives, as in order for them to develop an immunity to the substance they would have to put themselves through copious amounts of pain. Thus, kryptonite truly does have an adverse effect on the kryptonians physiology and further experimentation is required to grasp a full understanding of the depth of said physiology.


Luthor, L. (2012) The Power of Kryptonite. The powerful meteorite, 30, 107-121

Kryptonian Data Crystal (N/A) The Kryptonian Biology. What are kryptonians, 11, 43- 58

Palmer, R. (2010) The Center of Our Solar System, The Sun, 3, 18- 21